
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Morlcorp | 112
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Can a multinational corporation be socialist if the CEO really, really wants it to be? (No.)
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean.

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Countrycide | 111
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Have you ever actually seen a cow? Have you touched its hot flank with your weak city hands? When you mind-conjure the countryside are you remembering a pastoral painting of a wide sheep, or do you imagine a hedgepunk dystopia of privatised slurry vats and forbidden slaughter fields?---
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean.

Monday Jun 12, 2023
What if the *hospital* got sick lmao | 110
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
The NHS is poorly. We place an ice-cold stethoscope against the chest of the health service and what do we hear? Exhausted staff fuelled by red bull and bitterness. Money tumbles through its body like a Blackpool coin pusher, landing in the gaping maw of a private equity-owned foot scrape clinic. A man with a pitchfork through his head being told to lose weight. Diagnosis: It’s wrecked.
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans.
This episode contains interviews with Student Nurse Josie Stripe, Occupational Therapist Erin Cullen and a student nurse and senior sister who chose to remain anonymous.

Monday May 29, 2023
Abolish The Night Out | 109
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
At the heart of the UK, is a gaping psychosocial hole that is booze-brimmed to burst. How did alcohol become Britain’s one hobby?
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean, this episode contains an excerpt of John Blow’s Amphion Angelicus with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. William Malmesbury was voiced by Jordan Leith.

Monday May 15, 2023
Was Feudalism A Laugh? | 108
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Was, listen, was feudalism a laugh?
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans.

Monday May 01, 2023
Consumer Reviews | 107
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Consumers! Do you love to select? Or do you clink the bars of your multiple choice decision prison? Picture this: you need a cone of chips to feed your dog, eight nearby are a scam and one sells poison. The only person who can help you? The kind of person willing to review a chippy online.
Is this any way to live? How would you rate it out of 5?
Thank you for your answers. Your feedback is very important to us.
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans.

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Cities Are a Car Accident | 106
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Earth’s cities are a car accident. Where we live, eat, sleep and even dream is criss-crossed with tarmaced arteries for high speed air-conditioned impact oblongs. The 15 minute city, an attempt to design spaces safe for soft bodied pedestrians has been met with the revving of a big engine. We ask: what’s wrong with a little horse?
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans.

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Keir Starmer: Wretch | 105
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Keir Starmer is the most boring man I hate. We burrow into the grotty history of Labour leader Sir Keir Rodney “Keith” Starmer KCB KB and the many purported uses of blu tack.
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music from Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans.

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Trekpilled | 104
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Star Trek: The Next Generation is the worst thing we love. Telly’s chonkiest sci-fi depicts a utopian future of diverse philosopher kings discussing inalienable rights in the vacuum of space. So why then please does my space communist comfort zone attract fascists and cops?
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean with additional music including John Philip Sousa’s Dwellers Of The Western World recorded by the United States Marine Band in 2010.---MRP at The Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2023Mandatory Redistribution Party - Judgement Dayhttp://tiny.cc/mandosmach23 Sean Morley - Has Been Banned From This Year's Festivalhttp://tiny.cc/morlmach23 Jack Lewis Evans as Barry Shafto - Do You Know How to Kill a Ghost? I Do, and I Will Explain at This Eventhttp://tiny.cc/jackmach23

Monday Mar 06, 2023
The Cultural Singularity | 103
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
What you got there? Is it an idea? Hope you’ve got muscular solicitors, because all of Earth’s ideas now belong to five guys (not the burger chain). We dredge the ongoing class struggle over the means of artistic production: the human imagination.
Support us on Patreon (only if you can!): patreon.com/mandatoryredistributionparty
Mandatory Redistribution Party is created and produced by Sean Morley and Jack Lewis Evans. Our title theme was created by Ella Jean, this episode also features the tracks “Ragout” and “Demon Funder” by our guest Rrrrrose Azerty. Find out more about Rrrrrose and her music at https://loyaltyfreakmusic.com.

Mandatory Redistribution Party
"A hilarious rallying cry for the many that feel left behind by capitalism and neo-liberalism, Mando Party is hilarious, subversive and enlightening in equal measures."
- Manchester Wire
"As a regular listener of Mandatory Redistribution Party, what I enjoy most about it is its refusal to be kept in one box."
- Now Then Magazine